Brand Ecosystem Builder Features

Everything Your brand Ecosystem Is Crying Out For

Brand is created through the experiences you curate along every touchpoint in the customer journey. This is what’s included in your all-in-one brand ecosystem builder.

Branding done right leads to multigenerational experiences shared in families and communities.

How Brand Ecosystem Builds Brand Equity

MarTech Panda allows you to create a complete brand ecosystem. Brand ecosystem building in MarTech Panda works by simplifying what it takes to create and maintain a consistent and distinctive identity. Furthermore, a brand ecosystem covers the communication strategy of your business. This includes communicating value propositions, the tone of voice, and the approach your team takes with customers.

Consistency is what builds a positive perception of your business, thus establishing your reputation. Your brand is your reputation and this is what builds brand equity.

By following the three bamboo-strong steps (below), MarTech Panda ensures your brand doesn’t just exist but thrives and evolves in the digital space. With us, create, nurture, and expand your brand’s ecosystem like never before. 🎋🐼

Step 1: Establish and Engage

Your brand deserves a foundation as strong as bamboo. Set it, nurture it, watch it grow.

Relationship Manager (BRM)

The heart of your brand’s digital ecosystem. A BRM makes it easier for your staff to engage with your customers more effectively because it’s a centralized vault to understand, segment, and target customers based on their interactions, purchases, and preferences.

Website and Landing
Page Builder

Craft captivating digital touchpoints that not only tell your brand’s story but invite your audience to become a part of it in an easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder. These pages are the front end of each step of the pipeline or funnel you build.

Brand Ecosystem
Form Builder

Design forms with an intuitive drag-and-drop builder that not only capture leads but is the bridge to delivering a brand promise to the lead, customer, or employee filling it out. Forms are incredibly powerful because they can trigger:

  • An email (e.g. confirmation, welcome, download, etc)
  • A notification for your team to take action
  • An automation of repetitive tasks so your team can focus on the human touch
  • And any other way you want to set it up. It’s your system.

Step 2: Communicate and Convert

Your brand voice is unique. And so are the voices of your customers. You and your customer need to speak the same language so that it can resonate and turn conversations into conversions.

Website Chat Bubble

Engage in real-time, answering questions, providing value, and making every site visitor feel heard and valued. Most importantly, by activating your website chat bubble, you will be “available” when they are. Even having your chat say that you’re away is better than nothing at all because without it, they’ll go to the next website and fill out your competitors’ chat.

Brand Ecosystem
Conversation Hub

All your communications, from emails to texts and social messages, in one centralized hub. No missed opportunities, only increased connections. The best part is your entire team can work out of the Conversation Hub because MarTech Panda doesn’t charge extra for users.

Customer Appointment Scheduler

Seamlessly integrate appointment bookings into your website, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to connect directly with your customers. Your team can set up individual calendars for themselves and there can be team calendars for departments that checks everybody’s calendar or sets up appointments in a round robin format. Want email or text reminders? No problem. This is your system, you decide what’s best for your business, your brand, your staff, and your customers.

Brand Ecosystem
Call Recording

Record and analyze calls to ensure quality, consistency, and always-on-point brand communication. You can set up a select few numbers for marketing campaign-specific purposes or you can set everyone up with their own number. You only pay for usage and every number includes free call recording on each and every call.

Step 3: Analyze and Amplify

Measure, understand, iterate. Your brand ecosystem is alive. Feed it with insights. Watch it grow like bamboo – tall, fast, and strong. 🎋

Brand Ecosystem
Reporting Dashboard

Having everything in one platform means you get both quantitative and qualitative data to guide your decision making. Visualize your brand’s performance. Gain insights, make informed decisions, and plot out the next steps in your brand journey to make the customer experience that much better.

Brand Ecosystem
Reputation Management

Protect your brand’s image. Monitor feedback, manage reviews, and respond proactively to ensure your brand’s reputation remains spotless. What happens when someone rates 3 stars or below? They get redirected to you for personal feedback where you can resolve offline. 4 or 5 stars? Or 5 stars only? Then send them over to publicly post their review. 

MarTech Panda’s system + your good service = a good online reputation. 

Brand Ecosystem
Survey Builder

Dive deeper into understanding your audience. Craft surveys that glean insights while reaffirming your brand’s identity.

Brand Ecosystem
Process Automation Builder

Automate routine tasks. Ensure every part of your brand’s digital ecosystem works in harmony, saving time and optimizing experiences.

Brand Ecosystem
Pipeline Builder

Design and manage a fluid customer journey. Guide your audience from awareness to loyalty with precision.

Brand Ecosystem
Opportunity Dashboard

Spot opportunities, capitalize on trends, and position your brand for continued success.

Accessible through all devices

Work from anywhere with full access to any device. You’ll love it and your team will thank you for it. Download our app from the App Store or Play Store and keep in touch with leads and customers in your brand ecosystem.

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